logotipo personal italian tutor

Cookies policy


A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer/smartphone/tablet when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which you use your equipment, they can be used to recognize the user.
The main purposes of cookies are the following:
Ensure that web pages can function correctly and store your preferences, such as the language you have selected or the font size. Know your browsing experience. Collect anonymous statistical information, such as what pages you have viewed or how long you have been in our media.

Types of cookies on this website

  1. “Analytical” cookies: For periodic maintenance purposes, and in order to guarantee the best possible service to the user, this website uses “analytical” cookies to collect activity statistics. The information collected will be anonymous in any case, and it is not possible to establish any link between browsing patterns and natural persons. The user may exclude their individual activity through the exclusion systems provided by the providers of the analysis systems that use these cookies, such as Google Analytics. It is possible that this website uses several of said systems, and you can consult the complete list in the list of cookies at the end of this document.
  2. Other cookies for internal use: In addition, this website may use various cookies to maintain user sessions between different “logins” to the private or self-management areas provided. Their deactivation normally causes inconvenience to the user in the form of blocked functionalities, and cookies are therefore necessary for the operation of this site. Again, you can consult the complete list in the list of cookies at the end of this document.
  3. Cookies used by social networks: In addition, to the extent that Social Plugins are used, this website can participate in different social networks, such as Facebook, to allow the user to share with their social circle those contents that are of interest. In the list of cookies at the end of this document, you can check the installed cookies and the corresponding social networks.
  4. Cookies used by external content plugins: This website may use content display plugins, such as Google Maps to display geographic locations. Its use sometimes implies the referral of certain cookies that are detailed in the list at the end of the document. Some of these cookies are installed and managed by the providers of said plugins, and cannot be accessed by this website.
  5. Third-party cookies for the personalization of advertising spaces: This website can make use of ad servers and, therefore, cookies linked to them to create profiles based on preferences and behavior. In case of doing so, they will be detailed in the list at the end of this document, and will not be installed if, after being informed when accessing the site, the user does not accept the cookies policy and therefore does not continue browsing.

List and description of cookies. Intrusiveness levels:

The table that follows here outlines the cookies listed above, incorporating a “level of intrusiveness” criterion based on a scale from 1 to 3, in which:

Level 1: corresponds to cookies for internal use that are essential for the operation of the website and, therefore, the provision of the service requested by the user, as well as cookies managed by third parties with the sole purpose of allowing the correct functioning of external plugins of content and, therefore, necessary for the correct display of this website.
Level 2: corresponds to anonymous, analytical cookies, for internal use, necessary for the maintenance of content and navigation, and exclusively managed by this website.
Level 3: corresponds to cookies managed by third parties that allow user tracking through other websites or services.

Table of cookies used on this website, indicating the manager thereof when it is a third party.


Cookie Duration Purpose intrusiveness
sessionid 1 month Owned cookie. Maintenance of the user session throughout the web and forms level 1
__utma 2 years When this user enters our page again with the same browser, the cookie will consider that it is the same user. Only in the event that the user changes browser, Google Analytics will consider it another user level 2
__utmb 30 minutes Internal measurement with Google Analytics. Enables the session time calculation function. Record the time of entry on the page. level 2
__utmc session Internal measurement with Google Analytics. Enables the session time calculation function. Check if the session should be kept open or a new session should be created. It is automatically deleted when you change the website or close the browser. level 2
__utmz 6 months Internal measurement with Google Analytics. Enables the registration function of the user’s origin. The data recorded will be, among others, if the user reaches our Website through direct traffic, from another website, from an advertising campaign or from a search engine (indicating the keyword used and the source) level 2


The user may at any time choose which cookies he wants to work on this website through, for example, the browser settings:

  • For more information about Microsoft Internet Explorer click here
  • For more information about Mozilla Firefox click here
  • For more information about Google Chrome click here
  • For more information about Safari click here

What happens if cookies are disabled

The deactivation of cookies browsing our website may not be optimal and some utilities may not work correctly.